International cooperation
- Support to international activities (High level meetings, Sherpa duties…) and cooperation strategy definition.
- Contribution to new bi-lateral cooperation (Third countries with EU) or enforcement of existent ones (Assessment of needs and expectations, Recommendations)
- Support to new Space polices and creation of new space agencies (National or Regional) with emphasis on the GNSS sector.
- Definition and promotion of new GNSS Centres or Networks, assessment of existing ones (analysis of objectives, technical support, to audits)
- Economical and industrials aspects of cooperation (Potential markets, Industrials status, European interests,…)
Capacities in International activities-« EGNSS diplomacy »- result from the combination of competence in the different aspects of the Space sector,upstream and downstream, combined with concrete experience in main countries and Regions of the world.
Governance , capacity building, program management
- Support to Strategy definition (EGNSS Programmatic orientations…)
- Public Governance (Inter-Organisations relationship, Management team structure, Budget establishment…)
- Definition of national or regional technical and operational action plans :R§D planning, Study definition, Exploitation, Budget prevision…
- Synergies between GNSS and other space programmes.
- Capacity building and training (Assessment of needs, Training definition …)
Experience in several key National and European institutions and organizations at management level allow providing added value contributions to requests in this broad area
Downstream Applications Development:
- Elaboration of industrial strategies for the public and private sector
- Elaboration of users’ needs, Applications development Plans
- New applications study definition, follow-up and assessment
- R§D support(Project Management, Review and meeting participation, Deliverables assessment)
Knowledge of the GNSS sector and experience at different level of R§D projects lead to capacities in developing and promoting new applications in the downstream segment either for the public or the private sector.
Daniel Ludwig Consultant due to his background has recognized capacities in cross-cutting approaches very helpful for international cooperation established by the European Commission. While taking into account the technical and operational aspects of the infrastructure such approaches stress the economical dimensions of the Applications from both the public and private point of views, the development of syngergies between GNSS and other space programs . Development of Applications in the international context has to take into account the European industrial interests as well as the planning of R&D European effort.